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Welcome to Green Dome Mosque
Islamic Center for Muslims to Achieve Spiritual Goals

Although the first condition for understanding spirituality in the Holy Qur’an is faith in God, it is not a sufficient condition. Even so, owning one is still not within the average person’s reach. Allah will surely grant a pure and pure life in this world only to those believers who do good deeds.

In Islam, a person’s development is related to the term Tazkiyah (cleansing/purification), which refers to the development and purification of a person physically, mentally and spiritually in terms of man’s relationship with God, self, and society and nature.

Through sincerity, repentance, and direct prayer to God, Muslims strive to establish a personal spiritual relationship with their Creator throughout the day. This prayer also includes the bodily movements of bowing and prostration, which Jesus, Moses and the Prophets did before him.

Today’s Prayer Times
Islamic: ath-Thulāthā’, 12 Rabi' al-thani 1446 AHTuesday, October 15, 2024
Today’s Jamat Times at Green Dome Mosque

7:00 am


2:30 pm


5:15 pm


After Sunset


08:30 pm

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Islamic Center Services
Ethical & Moral Beliefs That Guides To The Straight Path!
Mosque Development

Building a mosque is a magnificent demonstration of Sadaqah Jariyah! The compensation for building a mosque is ceaseless, and for however long individuals are profiting from the mosque you've assisted, you will keep getting prizes from Allah (SWT) even in the Hereafter.

Building a mosque is a magnificent demonstration of Sadaqah Jariyah! The compensation for building a mosque is ceaseless, and for however long individuals are profiting from the mosque you’ve assisted, you will keep getting prizes from Allah (SWT) even in the Hereafter.
The advantages of building a mosque are obvious if you consider every one of the prizes you will get for every request made in your mosque!
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Whoever fabricates a mosque, craving in this manner Allah’s pleasure, Allah works for him the like of it in heaven.” [Bukhari]
An extraordinary prize for building a mosque is being conceded a royal residence in Jannah. Allah (SWT), our kind maker, will compensate us for building His place of love here on earth by building us a house in heaven! Building a mosque assists us with spreading our deen in this world and carries us nearer to Allah (SWT), yet every individual who enters the mosque too.
The Prophet (ﷺ) has let us know the prize for building a mosque; we ought to emulate his example and construct masjids for those out of luck. On the off chance that you’re seeking to construct a mosque for Allah’s (SWT) joy, you can collaborate with different givers or fabricate one on your own in Asia or Africa with The Mosque Project.
There are numerous unfortunate networks in our ummah that basically can’t stand to make essential fixes or moves up to their mosques, and some don’t have a nearby mosque by any means. In these networks, individuals end up setting up for supplication outside in the blistering sun or heavy storm, strolling many miles to go to an adjoining town’s mosque or imploring alone without the advantages of legislative love.
Shared supplication, profound direction, Islamic schooling for kids and a protected local area centre point are some advantages of building a mosque in these networks. When you fabricate a mosque for the less lucky, you are furnishing them with a strong place of love that will cultivate their moral and profound improvement into the indefinite future. By building a mosque for those out of luck, you are taking life back to the local area.
You can begin giving towards The Mosque Project today to construct a masjid in a painful local area and assist our siblings and sister with solace and security. Help yourself in this life and the following by helping other people love today.


One vital memorial service ritual in the Islamic confidence is that entombment happens as fast as conceivable in the afterlife. Consequently, there is no survey, wake, or appearance. Following passing, the body is washed and covered with a sheet by relatives.

One vital memorial service ritual in the Islamic confidence is that entombment happens as fast as conceivable in the afterlife. Consequently, there is no survey, wake, or appearance. Following passing, the body is washed and covered with a sheet by relatives. The hands are put as though in supplication. Then, at that point, the body is shipped to the area of the burial service, a mosque. There is seldom an open coffin at an Islamic memorial service.
The memorial service is normally held external the mosque, in an area, for example, a request room, local area square, or patio, where individuals from the local area might assemble. The body and all participants are completely gone to confront Mecca, which is the heavenly focal point of Islam. The Imam, the sacred pioneer, drives memorial service petitions to heaven. Participants structure no less than three lines: men, then, at that point, kids, and ladies toward the back. After supplications, the body is taken to the entombment site in a quiet parade. A few Muslim people groups permit ladies and kids to go to the internment, yet generally, it’s simply men. Another significant Islamic internment ritual is to have every individual toss three modest bunches of soil into the grave at the burial.
Since Muslims accept there will be an actual body restoration on Judgment Day, the confidence disallows incineration. Likewise, examinations are unequivocally deterred since they defer internment and are viewed as defiling the body. Additionally, Muslims don’t want to move the body away from the death site, making a post-mortem examination significantly more disrupting. Preserving, thought about one more profaning of the body, is performed provided that legally necessary.
At last, custom directs that roses are to be shipped off the family’s home after the burial of the departed. There is a 40-day grieving period when blossoms and food are valued.
Grievers at an Islamic burial service might communicate sorrow, yet just inside specific etiquette guidelines. Uproarious crying, for instance, isn’t allowed. Nor are other outward indications of outrageous inclination, such as tearing garments, flailing wildly, blasphemous discourse, and self-injury. Crying is allowed.
Conventional Muslim burial service decorum disallows grievers from taking pictures or, in some other manner recording any piece of the memorial service petitioning God’s administration.
After the request administration and the internment, grievers might accumulate at the home of the close family. This is the point at which communicating your sympathies to the family and backing them in their grief is suitable. Plan to remain the whole day. Generally, a feast is served. Mingling is accepted to assist the family with adapting to their misfortune.
During the initial three days of the 40-day time of grieving, local area individuals ought to carry food to the family. Numerous cutting-edge Muslim people groups notice an abbreviated grieving period.
Widows will generally notice a considerably longer season of grieving. Anything that the period, it’s critical that the local area visits and offers to assist in any capacity with canning.

Charity & Donation

'Who is he that will advance to Allah a wonderful advance which Allah will twofold unto his credit and increase it commonly?' `{`2:245`}`. It is vital to begin with the above stanza that shows us the significance of liberally providing for poor people and the needy.

‘Who is he that will advance to Allah a wonderful advance which Allah will twofold unto his credit and increase it commonly?’ [2:245]. It is vital to begin with the above stanza that shows us the significance of liberally providing for poor people and the needy. It assists us with a superior comprehension of the mind perspectives that underlie beneficent giving goals, which additionally assumes a significant part in the elicitation and feeling of magnanimous giving behaviour.1 Islam, as different religions, charges its devotees to ‘give’ for individual and cultural prosperity. The three fundamental regulated instruments of Islamic generosity and rearrangement of abundance are Sadaqa (noble cause), Zakat (unfortunate duty) and Waqf (trust).2 Giving Zakat, Sadaqah, or/and partaking in Waqf is seen as an “obligatory and significant foundation”; the obligation of those who have accepted their abundance from God to answer those individuals from the local area out of luck. The idea of abundance is viewed in Islam as a gift from God. God, who gave it to the individual, made a piece of it for poor people, so the poor have a directly over one’s wealth.3 The idea of giving, particularly giving and aiding those out of luck, is so settled in Islam. As per By Relkhatib, 4 the Almighty commitments us that assuming we train ourselves to give amid simplicity and difficulty, our food will increment. Giving stirs our spirits and triggers real worry for the prosperity of others. Research demonstrates that helping other people reduces nervousness and increments good sentiments and sensations of fulfilment. However, is adequately this to make sense of the peculiarity of generosity? 5 The adoration for great deed is the way to satisfaction, and the way of life of giving stems from inside. Individuals who are quick to accomplish charitable efforts are forever moved by their qualities and morals that are typified by ways of behaving. What’s more, the humanitarian effort differs in size, shape, patterns, and thought processes starting with one society and then onto the next.
Regarding size, it is less in times of steadiness, quiet, and expansions amid catastrophes and wars. Then, at that point, as far as structure, it might be a work or a gift of cash very well. As far as the course, it might be programmed or coordinated by the State in friendly, instructive, or formative exercises; as far as its thought processes, it could be mental, social or political. Therefore, it produces smugness, God favouring, individuals’ joy, and cultural prosperity.
“Giving society” with its standards, aspects, and values is fundamental for extensive advancement in Islam. In this way, there are multiple ways of advancing giving way of behaving and gift among Muslims. One of the basic techniques for beneficent conduct in Islam is making Waqf. In a real sense, Waqf is gotten from the Arabic word “Waqafe”, meaning to hold, repression, or preclusion. Waqf implies disallowing the development or trade of something and should have perpetuity.6 According to Magda Ismail et al.7, Waqf is a magnanimous monetary demonstration laid out by keeping steady and portable properties to never-ending spend its income on satisfying public or family needs, contingent upon the inclinations of and conditions set by the pioneer. When the property is made as Waqf, it can never be given as a gift, acquired, or sold. It has a place with Allah (SWT), and the Waqf property generally stays in salvageable shape. Just its created income is directed to the recipients. In Islamic history, we can see extraordinary pictures and helpful examples about the situation with Waqf and its effect on supporting the advancement of the Muslim people group. Awqaf were taught in Muslims’ way of life and remembered for varying backgrounds. It was a wellspring of financing for the Muslims throughout the long term due to the enormous enrichments that occurred during our Prophet and his buddies. Right now, we want to teach the way of life of Waqf among a Muslim people group and build up individuals to take part in and make Waqf.


Our ethos depends on the Quranic ayah, wherein Allah states
``Ladies of Purity are for men of Purity, and men of Purity are for ladies of Purity`` (Quran 24:26)
We trust that serving Allah SWT and effectively looking for His pleasure is a definitive starting point for progress... furthermore, this must be accomplished when you wed somebody with similar qualities and convictions.

Our ethos depends on the Quranic ayah, wherein Allah states
“Ladies of Purity are for men of Purity, and men of Purity are for ladies of Purity” (Quran 24:26)
We trust that serving Allah SWT and effectively looking for His pleasure is a definitive starting point for progress… furthermore, this must be accomplished when you wed somebody with similar qualities and convictions.
Muslim Marriage in Islam is important for a portion of our deen. Our point is to assist with singling Muslims for marriage as well as separated/bereft find their perfect Islamic partner and to finish a portion of our deen. Our foundation has helped more Islamic siblings, and Muslima universally tracks down their appropriate Muslim counterparts for nikkah. We interface with many Islamic Muslim ladies or Muslim grooms searching for their ideal Muslim match. We are continually utilizing imaginative plans to upgrade your zawaj search insight. Single Muslim searching for separated from Muslim, Widow Muslim for second marriage, or is a returned Muslim; Nikah.com’s Muslim Shaadi site is your answer. Be a piece of us, and we will make your Nikah/Muslim Shaadi/Zawaj dream work out. In sha Allah. We were quick to take special care of the requirements of Muslim possibilities worldwide. Our Matrimonial site for Muslims interfaces with many Muslim ladies and grooms searching for their ideal Muslim match. We are continually utilizing imaginative plans to upgrade your inquiry experience. Not set in stone to utilize our Muslim wedding site to help the Muslim ummah at large. Be a piece of us, and we will make your Nikah/Shaadi dream work out. In sha Allah.

Quran Teaching

Learning the Quran is an extremely good demonstration, which each Muslim should perform daily. It gives them insight into all parts of life, likewise presents them close to the Creator, and will be proof of the prizes of their great deeds on the Day of Judgment. Learning the Quran is an extremely good demonstration, which each Muslim should perform daily. It gives them insight into all parts of life, likewise presents them close to the Creator,

Learning the Quran is an extremely good demonstration, which each Muslim should perform daily. It gives them insight into all parts of life, likewise presents them close to the Creator, and will be proof of the prizes of their great deeds on the Day of Judgment.
Quran gaining is similarly expected from both Muslim people. Muslims begin gaining Quran from the long early stretches of life. The constant association with Qur’an through its learning carries Muslim nearer to the Creator, gets an extraordinary gift in this everyday life and will be a wellspring of large compensation in the great beyond.
Learning the Quran is limitless, with the principal advantage of direction towards the straight way to Allah.
“Peruse! In the Name of your Lord Who has made (all that exists). He has made man from coagulation (a piece of thick coagulated blood). Peruse! Also, your Lord is the Most Generous. Who has instructed (the composition) by the pen? He has instructed man what he knew not” [al-‘Alaq 96:1-5]
It has been Narrated by ‘Uthman that, The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The best among you (Muslims) are the people who get familiar with the Qur’an and show it.” (Bukhari)
Thus, this Hadith shows that best of all the people related to the Quran (by learning it and conveying its useful information.
In extra to that, the predominance of the Qur’an above different sorts of other discourse it been described by Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The case of him (a devotee) who recounts the Qur’an is like that of a citron which tastes great and scents great. What’s more, he (a devotee) who doesn’t recount the Qur’an resembles a date that is great in taste but has no smell. Furthermore, the case of a loose devilish individual who presents the Qur’an resembles the Raihana (sweet basil), which smells lovely yet tastes unpleasant. Furthermore, the case of a passionate insidious individual who doesn’t recount the Qur’an is like the colocynth, which tastes unpleasant and has no smell.
We gain from the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and the customs of his associates (Sahaba (R.A)) that the Qur’an ought to be discussed with regard and centralization of heart and psyche. Muslims, when remembering or remembering Qur’an, need to continue to reconsider it with the goal that they remember it since it is considered a transgression to fail to remember Quran after securing its insight. Allah (s.w.t) has made it mandatory for us to learn information on Quran and confer it to other people.
It is one of the etiquettes that an individual is in the territory of Wudu (bathing) while at the same time discussing, and the spot is liberated from nijasat (debasements).
A Muslim must address the mix-ups of other Muslims when they are doing botches while perusing Qur’an.
One ought to gain from capable educators information on Quran with Tajweed and Tafsir, so we get better at grasping Quran.
While perusing the Qur’an, understanding its substance and considering it over it are not-to-be-missed elements of the entire interaction.
We want to make dua that O Allah (s.w.t)! Award us with the best comprehension of your sacred book Qur’an and guide us to the straightway, Ameen.

Video Sermons

khutbah, likewise spelt khutba, Arabic khuṭbah, in Islam, the lesson conveyed particularly at a Friday administration (ṣalāt al-jumʿah), at the two significant Islamic celebrations (ʿīds), at festivities of virtuous birthday celebrations (mawlids), and on remarkable events. The khutbah most likely inferred, however, without a strict setting, from the declarations of the khaṭīb, an unmistakable ancestral representative of pre-Islamic Arabia.

khutbah, likewise spelt khutba, Arabic khuṭbah, in Islam, the lesson conveyed particularly at a Friday administration (ṣalāt al-jumʿah), at the two significant Islamic celebrations (ʿīds), at festivities of virtuous birthday celebrations (mawlids), and on remarkable events.

The khutbah most likely inferred, however, without a strict setting, from the declarations of the khaṭīb, an unmistakable ancestral representative of pre-Islamic Arabia. The khaṭīb articulated his thoughts in lovely writing that lauded the respectability and accomplishments of his tribe members and stigmatized the shortcoming of the clan’s foes. Indeed, even Muhammad introduced himself as a khaṭīb after taking Mecca in 630. The initial four caliphs, the Umayyad caliphs and the Umayyad common lead representatives generally conveyed khutbahs in their regions. However, the substance of the discourses was presently not rigorously exhortatory yet managed pragmatic inquiries of government and on political issues and, now and again, even included direct requests. Under the Abbasids, the actual caliphs were not taught however allowed the capability of khaṭīb to the strict adjudicators (qadis). The strong demand of the Abbasids on getting Islam free from the secularism of the Umayyads likely reinforced the strict part of the khutbah.

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Build The Islamic School

The construction of the Islamic School helps us develope better, stronger and practical muslim ...

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